Monday, 27 May 2013

Quick, Get Out in the Sun!

Living in London, I have found that being spontaneous is seriously important- especially when it comes to nice weather! You never know how long it's going to last - or if it will actually be warm and sunny at the time of year when it's MEANT to be warm and sunny, so the whole Do It While You Can thing is very, very important to remember (along with vitamin D tablets!). 

In the last ten years of living here in the U.K., I have had sunburns in March and been wearing my winter coat in July, seen hail storms in May and picnicked in December. Maybe it's global warming, maybe the weather has ALWAYS been this random in these parts -- but the point is, the minute you see sun, you've got to run outside and ENJOY IT! (Sneak a lunch break. Leave an hour early. Do whatever you have to do (and bring a brolly) but get out in the sun QUICK when you see it appear! You'll feel a heck of a lot better if you do (even if you're already feeling good) just from the shear spontaneity of it. Enjoy! 
The top picture of the tulips is from a lovely walk through Dulwich a couple weekends ago (gorgeous!) - and the lower photo of the rolling hills is from one of a few hikes I did whilst up in the Abergavenny area of Wales when I was performing at the Llantilio  Crossenny Festival last weekend. Gotta love that iPhone camera! Quick! Get out in the sun! xxx

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